‘Your armor is preventing you from growing into your gifts. There are unexplored adventures ahead of you. You can’t live the rest of your life worried about what other people think.’ ~ Brené Brown


A year ago, I lived with a debilitating fear of public speaking. In other words, I was paralyzed by the fear ‘of what other people think.’

Yet, two weeks ago, I delivered my ninth speech, ‘The Phoenix,’ at Toastmasters. I achieved something I thought impossible, through the help of my local Toastmasters club. I thought, yes, I’m doing so great. I can memorize a whole ten minute speech. I can get up on stage without falling flat. Yes! I’ve made it. Uh, no. You haven’t. Why? Because there’s always more to learn.

Part of the Toastmasters leadership program is the “CRC” system, or “Commend, Recommend, Commend,” by way of oral and written evaluation. My evaluator’s “recommendation” after watching, ‘The Phoenix,’ was that I looked like I’d rehearsed to a mirror and had simply written and learnt a speech by rote. I needed to learn how to connect with the audience.

5 Speeches Award, 2016

I’d never thought about it that way before.

My sister sent me a bunch of links for incredible talks on the TED channel. I could see the difference and began to understand what the next level of speaking could look like. My evaluator was absolutely right.

I realized I had bumped up against another of my own self-made limitations.

At our club’s 20th anniversary celebration the other day, founding member, Bruce Powell, gave a speech about the formation of the club. He told us stories, like the one about the girl who, upon hearing the “recommendations” of her evaluator, burst into tears and ran out of the room, never to return. Or the one, about the aspiring politician who joined our club, he later became elected to parliament.

Swearing in on the committee

It’s true. Even on a good day, the “recommendation” part of the process can be hard to stomach. I had worked so hard on my speech, and when I got my evaluation it felt as if he burst my balloon. Yet, sometimes, a bit of balloon-popping is just what we need. You can either run from it and stay the same, or you embrace it and grow.

It’s good to prune the ego sometimes, to go, ‘hey, I’m not always right.’ That’s a stable, balanced way to go through life.

It’s wise to cultivate within ourselves, the ability to say we’re wrong. Not to just to pay lip service to a nice idea, but to really then put in the work as well, to make change.


At the moment, I’m taking a free writing class, Story Fundamentals, with Daniel Jose Older. The brief for our writing assignment was given during the video presentation, and then, we were to post our efforts in the online classroom. There, our beloved, sweated-over prose would hang out in the public forum, waiting for “likes” and/or “comments.”

The assignment was to write a short story. My least favourite form of fiction. My taste lends itself to the epic form, I like to sink my teeth into a meaty book or writing project. I’d also traditionally shied away from writing short story, believing I wouldn’t do it justice.

But, sometimes, I think when we have an instant, “no, I can’t do that” reaction, this can be a pointer, a sign-post to a hidden limitation we’ve held about ourselves.

My dear friend, writer and artist, Steve Attkisson, said, ‘Someone told me that the stuff you try to avoid makes for the most powerful literature.’


I decided to go boldly forth and tackle this assignment, regardless of whether I wanted to or not. I sweated over my short story, ‘Birdma, she Taniwha’ for two days and posted it. I’ve returned and edited the story every day this week. Still no likes, no comments. Sigh! Yet, despite the lack of response, I still feel good. Victorious, even. Because this story represents yet another hurdle I’ve overcome. Another thing I said I couldn’t do.

These personal milestones are what we live for. Or they should be. Because, it’s in proving to ourselves first that we are worthy that we disengage from that old fear of ‘what other people think.’

It starts to become more important what we think of ourselves.

Fear is a Gift

Some of our self-made armour comes off with each limitation we overcome. Is it frightening? Yes. L. Frank Baum once said, ‘The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.’ Even a single display of bravery towards oneself carries rewards, and brings more courage. We grow incrementally. We start to build our first real foundations of self-confidence. Know thyself. Healer, heal thyself.

If you think of the opening statement, by Brené Brown, that our armour was keeping us from really living into our gifts, then we’d imagine that by releasing some, and putting ourselves out there, we start to achieve things. We can connect with an audience. We can write a short story.We can get elected to parliament. We gain the forward positive momentum we want in our lives.

Just think of all the unexplored adventures ahead! What do you want to achieve?


See you in the funny papers!



Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.  ~ William S. Burroughs

The hero’s redemption (and ultimate victory) hinges on their transcending their self-concern. ~ PJ Reece


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  1. You inspire me with every blog post you write, Yvette! ❤ Congratulations on overcoming yet another fear and trying something new!

    What do I want to achieve? Hmmm…I guess I want to write books that touch others deeply. Guess I have to overcome being distracted by social media. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. And you,my friend, did not go running from the room. You listened to the advice because you really want to be the best you can. And i think, perhaps, someday, I’d like to see you run for Parliament. Your admirer and fan, Clare

    Liked by 1 person

  3. yvettecarol says:

    Ha ha! What a great idea! 🙂


  4. Bun Karyudo says:

    I know feedback can be difficult to take at times, but I guess it is necessary as long as it’s from a trusted source. Incidentally, I liked your short story. It went in an unexpected direction toward the end. I don’t think I’d be likely to go back for a visit if I were the narrator, at least, not without a police escort and a guard dog.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Going outside our comfort zones is so hard, but so rewarding. Congrats on taking those steps to succeed! It takes a lot of courage to not run out of the room in tears or to say “maybe I can do it” instead of “no, I can’t.” One of my favorite quotes is similar to the one you mentioned. It’s from John Wayne: “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” Good luck with your short story!

    Liked by 1 person

    • yvettecarol says:

      Hi, Lori! I love your quote. John Wayne was the man! I think the experience with Toastmasters and with this short story writing course has shown me that we’re only limited by what we believe we can or can’t do. It’s been a new lease of life for me, to try some new things! I hope to inspire others to do the same 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You reached a milestone, Yvette, congratulations! Did you know that Barbra Streisand has stage fright? Her fear is forgetting the words to a song. I hate stepping out of my comfort zone too. What’s so amazing is when I do, nothing bad happens. Happy IWSG Day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yvettecarol says:

      Hi, Joylene! I would freak out if I had to remember song lyrics, too! Sheesh. At least with giving a talk, since no one knows what you’re going to say, it doesn’t matter if you do forget this and that. With avid fans waiting who have paid to hear their favourite songs, and who know all the words, the pressure would be enormous!
      Thank you for reminding me re IWSG! I forgot. I’ll have to post late again. 🙂


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