When we start out as lowly newbie writers, knowing no one and nothing, we tap away at our stories in our towers of isolation and let the stories flow. We dream of being picked up by traditional publishing houses that will put on a full media blitz into trumpeting our shiny debut novel the length and breadth of the land. We go on to make scads of money, have our books in libraries and on bookshelves. We live forever. We conquer death.


We get our book handed to Peter Jackson, the famous New Zealand movie producer. He reads it and decides to make a movie out of it with Weta Studios. We go to the theatre with our family. We see our world and our story played out on the big screen under the glittering lights.

We make enough money to buy our own island, to which we retreat purely to write and paint. We make enough money to pay for the kids’ education and then to buy houses for our grown-up children.


Then we wake up one day and realize, that in reality, we’ve run out of money, we’re eating beans for dinner every night, the rent’s overdue, and there are bills to be paid. We move back home to live with our parents. We resign ourselves to using the public transport system and to being a bottom-feeder, again.

We console ourself, it’s okay. We’ll re-start the editing cycle. We’ll join a new critique group.

We drag the dream out of the dirt, dust it off and revive it again. We go back to work on the book in earnest.

We resolve we’ll work on this story, make it the best we can do, and it will be discovered by a traditional publishing house, and it’ll go on to become a bestseller.

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The dream’s still alive.

We finish the book and submit our precious baby. We get rejected. This gets repeated ad nauseum.

We wake up one day, thirty years later, and realize, the original dream isn’t going to happen the way we thought it would. One of our parents has passed over already, two lots of our friends have divorced, and our kids have turned into teenagers as if by magic, seemingly overnight. As the song lyrics go, ‘my children are getting older, I’m getting older, too.’

Only when we’ve exhausted all hope, and run down every street to find only dead-ends, do we consider the mountainous obstacle of self-publishing.

The bitter reality is that going Indie is a ton of work, and only a select few authors get to live the first tier of the dream: getting that golden deal, hitting the bestseller status, and signing a book-to-movie deal. Not everyone will be the next Hugh Howey.


The rest of us get to evolve.

Isn’t that wonderful?

What’s the alternative? To give up? To abandon the dream that has warmed our nights and sustained our days through the long hours of typing? No, of course not. We are indomitable. We are writer.

We write. We learn. We observe. We write. We learn.

And now, whether we like it or not, we are going to be a publisher, as well. We’ll get to wear many hats: to don the apparel of book producer, promoter, like an old-fashioned hawker of your own goods. “Roll up! Roll up! Hot off the presses. Get your copy quick!” and to bash people over the head with a verbal press release about our book at every social (media) occasion.

It’s either go Indie, or go home.

book signing table

We can see by the veritable tsunami of self-published books flooding the market these days that we are doing these things ourselves. We adapt and survive and thrive. And, some Indie authors are climbing to the top of the literary mountain and attaining the first tier of the dream, under their own steam. So, it can be done!

The immutable truth however, as stated in The Drunkard’s walk, by Leonard Mlodinow, is that there is a certain random element in who gets to make the bestseller list. ‘There exists a vast gulf of randomness and uncertainty between the creation of a great novel and the presence of huge stacks of that novel at the front of thousands of retail outlets. That’s why successful people are almost universally members of a certain set – the set of people who don’t give up.’

In other words, while hitting the big time may be a game of numbers, there’s one way of getting there and that is to write and continue to write.

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Keep on creating…

Yvette K. Carol



Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout with some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. — George Orwell


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  1. Here, Here, Yvette! I totally agree and will continue writing until all the ink runs dry.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bun Karyudo says:

    There’s nothing for it but to keep at it! I think you’re right about there being a certain amount of randomness and luck in becoming successful (in writing and in much else), but perhaps it’s also true that through our efforts we help create a lucky environment, and one that certainly won’t exist if we simply give up and watch TV every night. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. emaginette says:

    We are only one of gazillions writing and trying to be noticed, but that’s no reason to give up. Am I right? 🙂

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    Liked by 1 person

    • yvettecarol says:

      Yes. You’re right, Anna!
      I was just reading some statistics the other day about how e-book sales are on the decline, etc. Whatever! We write, regardless. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Disney says:

        Thank you for the sensible crqeiiut. Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do a little research about this. We got a grab a book from our local library but I think I learned more from this post. I am very glad to see such wonderful info being shared freely out there.


      • yvettecarol says:

        Great feedback, thanks, Disney. I’m glad you liked it. 🙂


  4. You said it, Yvette. We don’t do this for the money or fame, otherwise we’d quit. Didn’t 30 years go by super fast??? I blinked. Or maybe I winked. Love this post.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pinar Tarhan says:

    Totally! I never dreamed that I’d have to support my freedom to write about things I cared about by teaching ESL, or that I’d also start writing non-fiction, and online pubs and print mags would add to the dream. Or maybe they were already there? This is really complicated. 🙂 All I know is that the dream isn’t going anywhere. I’m finding ways to improve myself, find better ideas, better writing groups, better writing partners and just….I still wouldn’t mind Peter Jackson. Or Mel Gibson’s production company has done pretty awesome films too. And maybe I’ll try my hand at self-publishing? Thank God for blogs. I go to therapy less. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • yvettecarol says:

      Yay! You, go, Pinar. Yes, that’s it exactly. The dream isn’t going anywhere. However, it does evolve as we grow and change. I was saying the same thing to another writer friend, and we agreed we’re both holding our goals more loosely, these days. I’m far more focussed on enjoying the process and sharing with others than achieving specific things like bestseller status.
      Yes, hear, hear, about blogging. You always said I’d love it, and I do. Every avenue is another form of writing and sharing, and it all counts! 🙂


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