I’ll never forget a school trip we did once. When I was seven-years-old we visited an old folks’ home. An octogenarian said, ‘I was young once, like you. I thought I was Peter Pan. You’ll be old like me, too, before you know it.’ I remember a chill going down my spine.

Time and the way it passes is a strange thing. It may be explained in a theoretical way, by a source like Wikipedia, ‘Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.

However, for most of us, we observe time in a personal, subjective way via a passing parade of birthdays and rites of passage.


Both my youngest boys make the transition from junior schools to the next level of their education, next year. In 2017, my middle child will move from Intermediate to High School, and my youngest boy moves from Primary School to Intermediate.

In four days, I shall turn 52.

I suddenly become aware of time, in a new, more acute way, it seems as if time has ‘sped up’ and ‘gone by fast.’

I was seventeen when my eldest child was born. I looked ahead at our lives like an endless path. Twenty years went by and I had my subsequent children. When I looked ahead with these babies, I saw a different picture, a shorter road.


I’ve celebrated more birthdays with zeroes on the end. I’ve taken to dyeing the roots of my hair to cover the greys, and to wearing heels and lipstick more often to draw attention away from the gathering “crow’s feet” and “smile lines” on my face.

What does time mean?

According to Wikipedia, ‘Periodic events and periodic motion have long served as standards for units of time. Examples include the apparent motion of the sun across the sky, the phases of the moon, the swing of a pendulum, and the beat of a heart.’

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Yes, the beat of a heart. My boys have lost their baby teeth, they’ve passed the famed “double digits milestone,” learned to read and write, learned how to look after pets, play sports, and do basic chores. There has been a rhythm to the changes.

‘Currently, the international unit of time, the second, is defined by measuring the electronic transition frequency of caesium atoms.’ Why does time seem to go more slowly when we’re growing up and then seems to “speed up” as we age? I believe there is a scientific reason for it which has recently been established although I haven’t read the hypothesis, yet.

However, such things as this Wikipedia definition of time and the Gregorian calendar are relatively recent inventions.

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As a teacher of the Kahuna tradition, Erin Lees says, ‘The ancients followed the natural cycles. Life then followed that observation of nature.’ In other words, our ancestors heeded the seasons, plants, animals, migrations, the tides, the stars, the movement of the sun and moon for their sense of time.

The ancient peoples were consummate astronomers. ‘Temporal measurement has occupied scientists and technologists,’ says Wikipedia, ‘and was a prime motivation in navigation and astronomy.’

These days, we have become more and more “time poor.” Everybody rushes around saying they ‘don’t have time.’ You often hear the term, ‘time is money,’ and ‘there just aren’t enough hours in the day.’

‘Time is of significant social importance, having economic value as well as personal value, due to an awareness of the limited time in each day and in human life spans.’ ~ Wikipedia


Therefore, to my mind, my task is to make the most of the time I have.

To do this, I need to find a balance between work and rest. The onus falls on me to find the methods of relaxation which suit me best.

There are many ways of stepping outside of the stress and slowing down. In order to return to some of that timeless experience of youth, we can utilize age-old relaxation techniques.

After trying many different things over the years, these methods work for me: daily meditation, which I learnt from the yogi, Gurudev Hamsah Nandatha, (e: adivajra@xplornet.com), daily discipline practise, I do Ka’alele Au, a form of martial art from Hawaii, which I learnt from the teacher, Erin Lees, (e: romikapalele@rocketmail.com), daily yoga, and I attend a local satsang group (also run by Erin). These are the things which keep my feet on the ground and my chin to the wind.

(p.s. on my birthday, I also gorge myself on cake!)

How do you create enough time? Do, tell!


Talk to you later.

Keep on Creating!

Yvette K. Carol


Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. ~ John Lennon




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  1. davidprosser says:

    Dear young ( and beautiful ) lady. I suggest you’ve still a very long time before you need worry about the speeded up time of being elderly. But, for your sake I shall explain the seemingly life lived faster.
    No doubt you’ve heard the term, Thief of Time? Well this is a Government employee hired to deal with time taxation. During those minutes in the day when you drift into space he taxes your time, stealing away bits he thinks you won’t notice. According to the Government handbook, that taxation increases slightly each year on year as those moments of drifting increase.
    The only method of cheating the system (so far unproven) is to sleep. You’ll wake up and find less time has passed than you expected and you will be forced to live a longer day. Not always recommended as you find that in being alone time hangs heavy on your hands.
    I hope this explanation is suitable and that you are reconciled to it long before the time you need to worry.
    xxx Massive Hugs Yvette xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • yvettecarol says:

      You’re a sweetheart, David, but don’t worry about me. I feel a great sense of pathos at the moment, because I’m knee-deep in sorting out new uniforms, etc and otherwise organising the boys transitioning to their new schools. It’s made me hyper-aware at the moment of the changes we’re ringing in. Yet, I spoke tongue-in-cheek at times, as well. If we simply express these things as we go along, we’re the better for it. We can evolve and move on!. Thank you so much for your explanation and time! ((hugs)) 😉


  2. beepete says:

    You write much better than Wikipedia. As I read your post their dry facts interrupted your excellent writing. I once had a friend named Nelson. He was 98 when he died, his father retired at 100. He explained to me why time sped up. For a two year old a year is half their life. If we have the priviledge (or challange) of reaching 98 it is a 98th of our life.It made sense to me.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Bun Karyudo says:

    I’m not sure if gorging on birthday cake does much to slow time, but it would certainly make me feel a lot better about its passing! Congratulations on your upcoming birthday! I hope you and the boys have a great celebration.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yvettecarol says:

      LOL! Yes, I nearly wrote, ‘I gorge myself on cake though that doesn’t do anything, it helps me feel better in the moment!’ So, you’re reading my mind, Bun. Ha! 🙂 The comment was really more about throwing a bit of levity in there, to leaven the sobriety of the message 🙂
      Thank you for the birthday wishes. I find I tend to get contemplative and think about things a lot at this time of year – it’s like the rest of the year you can forget about aging and then it catches up with you on your birthday. I still can’t get my head around the fact I’ve already been here half a century. However, it’s been quite a ride! I’m looking forward to celebrating with the boys.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I laughed so hard when I saw the title of this in my email this morning. I was in a tizz wozz about the art show. Phil asked if I wanted to go for lunch and I thought he picked a bonkers day but it calmed me down and gave me focus. Glad you have some lovely relaxing things to calm you. And wishing you a most wonderful birthday! Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • yvettecarol says:

      Wow, I love it, Catherine! 😀 Yes, there’s another great thing to add to the list – taking time out with one’s significant other. What a nice thing of Phil to do, too.
      I’m glad I’ve found some techniques that work for me. There’s no way I would have gotten through the last fourteen years without them!
      Many thanks for the birthday wishes. 🙂
      I’ve been percolating the idea for a while, of attempting another selfie portrait and doing a post about it on my b.day. Tee asked me if I’d take over the #SelfieArt a while back ago, however I wasn’t sure I wanted to be tied into having to do one a month again. So, I’ve been toying with the idea of taking it up…are there any regular artie things you’re interested in at the moment?

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s a great idea! I follow Draw a Bird Day 8th of month I think and Charlie has watercolor challenges some months. He has a Christmas theme this month. #worldwatercolorgroup on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. yvettecarol says:

    I’ll have a look, thanks, Catherine 🙂


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